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Korean Action against Dispatch of Troops to Iraq

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No : 406
Date : 2006-08-24 16:09:42
Name : CASF Hit : 4658
Link : http://www.petitiononline.com/un040806/petition.html
Title: Petition: We Demand an Immediate International Criminal Tribunal for Israel

Dear Anti-War Activists, 

The following Petition is addressed to the UN General Assembly.
Please endorse and distribute widely throughout all anti-war organizations.

Thank you.

To: The United Nations General Assembly


We, the undersigned, demand that The United Nations General Assembly
immediately establish an International Criminal Tribunal for Israel (ICTI) as
a ¡®subsidiary organ¡¯ under U.N. Charter Article 22 to prosecute the Israeli
Prime Minister Olmert, Defense Minister Peretz, Chief of Staff Halutz and
Israel¡¯s other top generals and war criminals for their infliction of
international war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide against the
Peoples of Lebanon and Palestine. 

Petition is posted at

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ÀüÈ­ 02-795-4337 / Æѽº 02-749-3537 / antipabyeong@empal.com
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