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Korean Action against Dispatch of Troops to Iraq

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No : 408
Date : 2006-09-13 03:03:29
Name : no chr.! Hit : 4233
Title: ALERT!! for the Anti-USFK Struggle in Pyeongtaek

Latest News From The Struggle Against USFK Relocation

The countdown has begun for the demolition of the houses (9.06, Voice of People)

The government is scheduled to destroy the vacant houses in Daechuri and Doduri sometime next week. By interviewing several police officers, we expect that the D-day will be Wednesday(13th). However, a staff member from the Ministry of National Defense has said, "we cannot confirm what day it will be" though he didn't deny a demolition plan for next week. Another staff member said, "As I know, it will start between the 11th to the 13th". Along with the demolition of the vacant houses, the government is going to follow through with the removal of the residents soon.

KCPT is planning to hold a candlelight vigil in front of the Ministry of National Defense at 5 p.m. every day starting September 7th (Thu.). They said, "We will gather as many people as possible to Daechuri and Doduri to stop the demolition. Each solidarity group is going to hold a protest in Cheongwadae and the Ministry of National Defense building. They will declare themselves strongly against the demolition." KCPT added, "We are scheduled to have simultaneous candlelight vigils in Seoul, Pyeongtaek, and other cities. Cyber vigils will be started as well."

More signs that new police attack is imminent: national protest tour kicks off (9.10)

An unmarked Ministry of Defense car cruised around Daechuri Friday afternoon. Shorty after, helicopters did several low fly-overs above the town. In the past, surveilance visits by the Ministry of Defence have been followed two or three days later by a police attack on the town. This time, the helicopters and the oficials in the car were probably gathing information to decide which houses to destroy next week.

The "empty houses" targetted for destruction have been cleaned, renovated, and reclaimed by residents and supporters. They've been converted into housing, a broadcast center, a community restaurant (where I've been helping out), the Tea House (a symbolically very important gathering spot in the center of town), an art museum, and offices for the residents committees to work in. The Defense Ministry could be planning to destroy any or all of these in the upcoming attack on the villages.

Also on Friday the 8th, a series of protests around Korea kicked off in Seoul and at nearby US military bases. Some residents will continue on until the national march in Seoul on September 24. Others joined the protests for the first few days and will now return to the village before the police arrive this week. Some supporters have also begun to arrive, to help defend the villages against the demolition.

->And last but not least, Sept. 7 a supporter of the struggle in Daechuri, actually he is a current resident there, wrote following lines:

"the tenacious win"

living in the autonomous village of Daechuri, I often hear the villagers say 'the tenacious win.' They know they will not give up until they win this struggle. the enemy that we are up against is the state, and the US military. neither of them is easy to confront. but the villagers who still live in here are not scared of the strongest military in the wolrd. whenever they encounter a military vehicle, they go "how dare you to come to this village, you destroyers? get the hell out right now or we're gonna kick your butt outta here."

i don't know when we get the victory, but it's very soothing to see these tenacious fighters. there is no place for the state assholes in this village. this is where i live. and they are my neighbors. i am proud of them.

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